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The exclusive group of film journalists that awards the Golden Globes was accused Monday of sabotaging non-members while gorging on lavish perks and unparalleled access to Hollywood stars.


Actor and stuntman Erik Aude chatted with Digital Journal's Markos Papadatos about the film "3 Years in Pakistan: The Erik Aude Story."


Isaia has regained strength and is now a Category 1 storm, packing dangerous winds and storm surge. Heavy rainfall is expected from the eastern Carolinas through the Mid-Atlantic coast tonight and Tuesday.


The COVID-19 pandemic fast-tracked digital transformation for many organizations, impacting the role of digital service operations practitioners. This has affected the service that IT professionals can offer.


SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft — carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley, and Tremor the Apatasaurus — is slowly maneuvering closer to Earth and preparing for a splashdown later today in the Gulf of Mexico.


Researchers have warned that if violations of a company’s “terms of service” are deemed to be illegal, this risks stalling important research into voting systems, medical devices and other key equipment.


The latest data breach has struck the purveyor of lower-cost cosmetics - Avon. Once a staple of door-to-door selling, the company has operated a successful online business for many years.
social media


Facebook condemned Saturday what it called an "extreme" ruling by a Brazilian Supreme Court judge ordering it to block the accounts of 12 high-profile allies of President Jair Bolsonaro, which it vowed to appeal.


President Donald Trump is days away from announcing strong action against the popular Chinese-owned video sharing app TikTok to protect US national security, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Sunday.

New AI aims to remove racism online

A company is making it their mission to remove racist words from the web. The firm UserWay has announced the launch of an artificial intelligence tool called Powered Content Moderator Tool, designed to remove inflammatory speech from the Internet.

Hajj goes virtual for families of lucky pilgrims

Faridah Bakti Yahra travelled alone to Mecca when she won the lottery of a lifetime to join this year's hajj, the smallest in living memory, but her family is relishing the experience virtually.

America's first crewed spaceship in decade splashes down off Florida

America's first crewed spaceship to fly to the International Space Station in nearly a decade returned to Earth safely on Sunday, splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico.


Researchers have analysed the pseudonymised health data of over 17.4 million U.K. adults to discover the key factors associated with death from COVID-19.

Essential Science: Can big data solve our environmental problems?

Big data itself can assist with environmental problems if directed by the right policies. By applying the correct algorithms and orientating a study in a particular direction, then the potential power of big data can be harnessed for the social good.

Proportion of asymptomatic coronavirus carriers above 70 percent

As part of Digital Journal's review of coronavirus related research, we look at three areas of interest. These relate to the proportion of asymptomatic individuals, the reasons why we're a long way off from herd immunity, and testing goals.

Victims 'shining like stars' as Italy inaugurates new Genoa bridge

Italy inaugurated a sleek new bridge in Genoa on Monday, though relatives of the 43 people killed when the old viaduct collapsed said the pomp and ceremony risked overshadowing the tragedy.

Pandemic's economic fallout will worsen conflicts: UN diplomats

The coronavirus pandemic is worsening the humanitarian situation in the world's deadliest conflicts and threatens to unleash economic devastation that will intensify violence, United Nations diplomats and experts warn.


A curfew has been imposed across Indian Kashmir just two days before the first anniversary of New Delhi's abolition of the restive region's semi-autonomy, officials said late Monday, citing intelligence reports of looming protests.

Spain's ex-king Juan Carlos heads for exile under corruption cloud

Spain's former king Juan Carlos, who is facing investigation at home and abroad for corruption, announced Monday that he will go into exile.

Rutgers football team quarantined after 15 players test positive

An on-campus party at Rutgers that several athletes attended may have led to the coronavirus outbreak that forced the entire team into a two-week quarantine, it was learned on Wednesday.

Katie Nageotte sets new PB in the women's pole vault: 4.92 meters

生活日报:2021-6-10 · 柳浩轩介绍,为了偿还最初的3000元网络借款,2021年11月伇至今,他一共下载了7款网贷APP,累计偿还利息已经高达上万元。最新情况: 仅有三款网贷APP还能用仍需还款

Coach quits Brazil club over keeper's femicide conviction

China Quality Daily 发挥认证认可作用 推动“一带一路”贸易便 …:2021-9-21 · 据介绍,该项目将有效推动“一带一路” 认证认可双多边合作,有效解决沿线国家发 展不均衡及认证认可差异化形成的贸易障 碍,利用认证认可这一国际通行的技术手段,针对典型贸易产品和高风险产品开展理论与 实证研究,集中突破指标选取、能力验证、风

F1 driver Sergio Perez tests positive for coronavirus, out of British Grand Prix

Formula One driver Sergio Perez has tested positive for the coronavirus and will miss this weekend's British Grand Prix, his Racing Point team said Thursday.


This week’s releases include a new superhero that inspires hope; an adaptation that blends genres; a series brings together some cinema’s biggest names; and a horror movie that finds multiple ways to scare audiences.


一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伊联系,伍便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伊进行文章共享合作。

Lauren and Josh Swickard to star in 'A California Christmas' film

Actress Lauren Swickard is making her production and screeenwriting debut in "A California Christmas" (ESX Entertainment). Digital Journal has the scoop.

'Queen of Bluegrass' Dale Ann Bradley talks about 2023 IBMA nods Special

"The Queen of Bluegrass" Dale Ann Bradley chatted with Digital Journal's Markos Papadatos while quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ecuador's creditors accept debt restructure plan

Ecuador's creditors have voted in favor of a restructuring plan for $17.4 billion of debt that will see the South American country's capital and interest payments reduced, the government of President Lenin Moreno said on Monday.

HSBC profits hammered by pandemic and soaring US-China tensions

HSBC said Monday profits for the first half of 2023 plunged by 69 percent on year as the banking giant was hammered by the coronavirus pandemic and spiralling China-US tensions.The lender reported post-tax profit of $3.

British Airways pilots back job loss deal

British Airways pilots have overwhelmingly voted to accept a deal cutting wages by 20 percent with 270 jobs lost, according to aviation union BALPA.

Media scion James Murdoch quits News Corp board

Former 21st Century Fox chief executive James Murdoch, the son of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, has resigned from News Corp's board citing clashes over editorial content, US regulators said.

WHO chief warns of 'no silver bullet' amid vaccine search

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned at a media briefing on Monday that there may never be a "silver bullet" for defeating COVID-19.


高端智造一路向西追逐发展红利 - · 记者采访了解到,在西部地区,特别是在中国向西开放最前沿的新疆,近年来搭乘“一带一路”倡议“春风”,发展红利持续释放,工业转型升级步伐明显加快,制造业产业结构不断向智能化升级,并成为吸引内地伋业前来投资兴业的“热土”。

环球网_全球生活新门户_环球时报旗下网站 - 天前 · 环球网是中国领先的国际资讯门户,拥有独立采编权的中央重点新闻网站。环球网秉承环球时报的国际视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻,致力于应用前沿的互联网技术,为全球化时伋的中国互联网用户提供与国际生活相关的资讯服务、互动社区。

《必由之路》(八)“共同命运”解说词-国内频道-内蒙古新闻网:2021-12-18 · 【序】 【解说词】 在印度尼西亚万隆市中心的亚非大道上,一座乳白色的建筑显得格外美丽而又庄严。 63年前,在这里召开了第一届亚非会议,史称“万隆会议”,这次会议在中国、印度、缅甸共同倡导的五项原则基础上,提出了亚非国家处理国际关系十项原则,而由此诞生的团结、友谊、合作的 ...

Global virus cases top 18 million as Australian city imposes curfew

The number of coronavirus cases recorded worldwide topped 18 million on Monday with the illness continuing its march, after Australia's second-largest city imposed a curfew to halt the spread.

魔兽世界7.1.5职业变动介绍 各职业天赋改动一览 - 手机新蓝网:2021-1-11 · 新蓝网·浙江网络广播电视台 2021-01-11 09:04:56 原标题:魔兽世界7.1.5职业变动介绍 各职业天赋改动一览 魔兽世界7.1.5有哪些改动,各个职业的天赋有什么变化?此次的版本变动比较多,下面为大家带来详细的介绍。 死亡骑士 ...

成都海归:挑战国际竞争的智慧旋风:2021-3-11 · 成都海归:挑战国际竞争的智慧旋风 2021-03-11 李健 吴军 智慧旋风正刮向中国西部成都 成都,最初并不在陈延钏的视野内。 从新加坡回国创业的陈延钏考察了好几个城市,直到有一天,在成都创业的一位海归朋友执意让他到成都看看。

观点荟萃_江苏大讲堂 -网络文学新人奖引导网络文学走向主流 经过近20年的快速发展,我国的网络文学已进入到一个重要的窗口转型期和内容提质期,推进网络文学的主流化与精品化,成为当下网络文学发展的必然。

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has promised to soon reveal his running mate.And as the suspense builds over who Biden will choose to be on the ticket for November's election, this much is known -- it will be a woman.

UAE's nuclear power plant: energy and politics

The United Arab Emirates' Barakah nuclear power plant, a first for the Arab world, successfully started up Saturday in a region grappling with conflicts.

Op-Ed: Pompeo appears to be starting new Cold War with China

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed in comments before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the "tide is turning' in favor of the US and against China. He says that he has seen more international support for US policies on China in recent days.

Thousands evacuated in Southern California as wildfire rages

Evacuation orders remained in place early Monday for thousands of people after a wildfire in mountains east of Los Angeles exploded in size and forced crews to battle flames in triple-digit heat.

Isaias heads to a landfall in Carolinas — possibly as hurricane

Isaias is forecast to return to hurricane strength Monday before making landfall in the Carolinas, where coastal residents are being warned to brace for flooding rains and dangerous storm surge.

Swimwear is created with McDonald's straws and marine plastics

Swimwear is created with McDonald's straws and marine plastics, in an effort to help the environment. Digital Journal has the scoop.

Isaias weakens to tropical storm, but will restrengthen tonight

Isaias weakened to a tropical storm Saturday afternoon as it approached the southeast coast of Florida, but forecasters say it will likely restrengthen overnight as it continues its track along the coastline of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

Canvas Print Sales Surge as People Look For an Emotional Boost

With more time spent at home during COVID-19, it turns out more of us have a penchant for home decorating than previously thought.

Michael Beas talks about CEO Club International recognition Special

Michael Beas, CEO of Atlas Elite Partners and Raver Magazine, chatted with Digital Journal's Markos Papadatos about becomes one of the youngest members named to the Chief Executive Officers Club International, Inc.

WHO chief warns of 'no silver bullet' amid vaccine search

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned at a media briefing on Monday that there may never be a "silver bullet" for defeating COVID-19.


与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈 ...:2021-4-9 · 与中国驻韩国经商参处陈洲公使衔经济商务参赞访谈记录 文章来源: 文章类型: 内容分类: 【主持人】: 您好,大家非常关心中韩两国双边的经贸情况,请您介绍一下这方面的情况?
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科技+商业双驱动 苏宁数字化赋能门店发展新价值-3C焦点-华龙网:2021-11-26 · 华龙网-新重庆客户端11月26日18时25分讯(通讯员 谭松)11月21日,第五届中国生活服务业大会在山东泰安隆重举行,苏宁科技集团O2O平台研发中心总经理许宏平受邀出席会议,结合苏宁门店数字化发展历程伍及家乐福和苏宁智慧无人店4.0数字化 ...
Erik Aude talks about '3 Years in Pakistan: The Erik Aude Story' Special
Michael Beas talks about CEO Club International recognition Special
Lauren and Josh Swickard to star in 'A California Christmas' film
Russia aims to produce 'millions' of vaccine doses by 2021
WHO chief warns of 'no silver bullet' amid vaccine search
Category 1 Hurricane Isaias to make landfall in next few hours
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'Queen of Bluegrass' Dale Ann Bradley talks about 2023 IBMA nods Special
上汽“四化”勾画汽车工业升级路线图-半月谈:2021-10-18 · 上汽加速智能网联技术的产业化落地。资料照片 新能源车业务连续五年翻番 在美国《财富》杂志公布的2021年世界500强排行榜上,上汽集团第15次入选,名列世界500强第39位,并在此次上榜的全球汽车伋业中名列第7。
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